Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Dream

I do not specifically feel that God has called me into long-term overseas missions. I am not opposed to it, but I simply do not feel that is where He is leading me now (although that is subject to change at any moment). However, I do feel a calling to work with people, using my teaching degree as a key to get into places that I may not have be able to get into without it. One of my dreams is to go overseas to teach for either a summer or a year. I would love the opportunity to travel abroad, teach others how to speak my language, hopefully learn some of theirs, and most of all, witness to others.

Earlier this year I was randomly looking for places to teach overseas. I came across I signed up for information out of pure curiosity and boredom. I have emailed back and forth with one of their PR people, and finally was able to talk to him tonight. They have opportunities to go into many unique countries for summer teaching as well as for year long teaching. To teach in the summer you simply need to be out of high school, but to teach for a year, a degree is needed. I had originally thought about just doing a summer program, then as I was thinking about it I realized it would be even better to go for an entire year! I don't know what country I would go to, God will lead me in that, but I do know that I would love to go the year after I graduate (next year).

The down side to this is that it would cost approximately $12,000 for the whole year. This would include my plane fare and room and board which ends up not being a very bad price (however, I would have to save up money and raise money for this). The upside is that I would have a wonderful year experiencing different cultures, learning a new language, meeting new people, and winning souls for Christ. I would appreciate it very much if you would pray that God leads in this.

1 comment:

La Leigh said...

i know a place....the Philippines :) Have a blessed day.