Thursday, April 14, 2011


There is one thing that I struggle with more than anything else in life; that is trusting God for everything. I keep finding myself worrying about the typical things people my age struggle with: things like finishing college, paying my bills (I think everyone struggles with that), what am I going to do after college, finding the one whom I will love for the rest of my life, am I really in the middle of God's will, and so many more. It is so easy to get side tracked from God and onto my circumstances and worries.

A few days ago a friend message me on facebook asking that I pray God would show her what college she is to attend. She is a senior in high school and can't figure out where she is to go (she is a very smart, talented girl and has been accepted to several highly scholastic colleges). She messaged me because according to her I'm a strong Christian. If only she really knew that on the outside I may seem to have everything together, but on the inside I'm just as confused as she is, and I'm not nearly as strong of a Christian as she thinks I am. My answer to her was that I would pray and trust that God would lead her, because God always leads His own. I also gave her some advice that someone gave me not very long ago: "pray that God will close all of the doors that you aren't supposed to go through." I told her to read Jeremiah 29:11 and Proverbs 3:5-6.

As I was responding to this girl I realized how much I needed to heed my own advice. I so often get worried about what the next step is that I should take rather than simply trusting God. This is something that I have written on quite a bit, but it is so true, and a huge struggle for me. Trusting God isn't mearly a decision that is made once, rather it is something I have to decide every day, hour, and minute. I have to chose whether I am going to try to figure things out or if I am going to leave it all in God's hands. I often fall short and try to work my problems out, this only leaves me feeling very confused, angry, and troubled.

God wants each of us to throw everything on Him, allowing Him to be our Captain. When we do this our lives aren't necessarily easy, but the emotional pressure is not nearly as big as it would be otherwise. A very common, and wonderful verse is I Peter 5:7, I found a not so common translation that I think says it the best, "Throw the whole of your anxiety on Him [Jesus], because He Himself cares for you." ~Weymouth New Testament. Throwing everything on Christ means holding nothing back to yourself. It means letting go of all of my plans and desires, and allowing the One Who loves me more than anyone ever will guide me. It means surrender, humility and submission. It means losing control.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Thanks for your post. I also struggle with trusting God for everything. Reading your post has helped.
