This morning was the beginning of revival services here at International. Dr. Judson Mitchell is here today through Tuesday evening and then Pastor Joe Vassack will be here on Wednesday night. So far they are going well, and God seems to be working.
I played my cello tonight for the offertory. I played "Come Thou Fount" and praise the Lord, it went well. :)
Morgan came over again today. We ate dinner at my was
I had to practice with Bro. Randall at 4:00 and then choir practice began at 4:30.
Church started at 6:00. Immediately following church I had to work...I really don't like working on Sunday's, but I guess somebody has to clean up after church. Oh well, it pays my bills!
Now I am getting ready to hit the hay cuz I gotta get up REALLY early because there is a prayer meeting at 6:30 tomorrow morning to pray for the revival meetings. I am planning on going to it. There is going to be a prayer meeting every morning at that time for the duration of the revival meetings, and I intend to go to all of them.
I must say that the picture of Morgan is much nicer than the muddy picture you posted Saturday night! Samuel was not thinking pleasant thoughts about you when I showed him your blog Sunday morning! :) I'm glad you were able to spend time with Morgan. Will pray that God will speak to you during the revival meetings! Love you bunches!
Morgan's hair looks really nice! =) I hope the revival meetings go well.
BTW, I was able to look at the song "The Everlasting Arms"; thanks for referring it to me!
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